According to actor Uche Maduagwu's post and photo, he is insinuating in this post that singer Simi is two months pregnant. He posted the above photo and wrote; "Ask any real mother out there, she will gladly tell you that being pregnant is the most beautiful feeling ever. Do you know what it is to carry another being inside of you? Its so amazing, that's why I do not advice people to abort their babies, although some circumstances may force a good woman to do it sometimes. Being pregnant for a bad guy or a good guy, makes no difference dear, all na "soft work".... The very moment you shoot and God picks up the call, my brother, don't hide it, I know that sometimes "ariwo ko ni music", but you need to let the whole world know that God has answered your prayers... its so painful, when you don't really know how to make the whole world know who is responsible for your pregnancy, its so confusing sometimes, I know dear, but whats...
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