So you found "The One" and you're deep into relationship-building mode.
Nothing's better at derailing "till death do us part" than an
"accidental" date or a roll in someone else's hay. We've heard all the
excuses: It just happened. I didn't see it coming.
According to a 2008 Gallup poll, 54 percent of Americans know someone
personally who has an unfaithful spouse. And the University of Chicago's
General Social Survey consistently finds that 20 percent of men cheat
in their lifetimes, compared with 12 percent of women. Look around you:
attractive colleagues, flirty baristas, hot neighbors. Your day may be
Think it's just about s8x? Not so fast. When marriage therapist M. Gary
Neuman interviewed 100 cheating men for his recent book, The Truth about Cheating,
only eight cited sex as the main reason for their infidelity.
Forty-eight of them said emotional issues drove them to cheat. If sex
was a factor, other problems were probably lurking.
Knowing what makes men stray and how to squelch those urges can help
keep you and your chosen one happy for the long haul. Tapping new
research in genetics, economics, anthropology, and biology, as well as
our experts' advice, we've developed this guide to the causes of
infidelity—and what you can do to make sure the home fires blaze hot
enough to keep you happy.
You're a Dirty Rat
Well, not a rat, exactly, but a vole—a prairie vole. This small rodent is one of the few mammals that actually bond with their mates, and a vole's genetic traits give scientists clues about why humans stray from theirs. It turns out there's a switch inside the brain that controls the desire to form close ties. Emory University psychiatry professor Larry Young, Ph.D., has found that switch in voles: It's a gene that regulates the release of vasopressin, a hormone that activates receptors in the brain to regulate behavior.
Well, not a rat, exactly, but a vole—a prairie vole. This small rodent is one of the few mammals that actually bond with their mates, and a vole's genetic traits give scientists clues about why humans stray from theirs. It turns out there's a switch inside the brain that controls the desire to form close ties. Emory University psychiatry professor Larry Young, Ph.D., has found that switch in voles: It's a gene that regulates the release of vasopressin, a hormone that activates receptors in the brain to regulate behavior.
In male voles, vasopressin helps keep the mate close and the competition
far away. Assuming that what's true for voles is also true for humans,
vasopressin activates bonding centers in your brain, making you feel
attached and protective. (In women, oxytocin serves the same purpose.)
But according to scientists at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute, if you
have a certain variation of the gene coding for one type of vasopressin
receptor, you won't be as affectionate and cuddly as your mate would
like you to be. The 2008 Karolinska study found that with this version
of the gene, you're less likely to commit and twice as likely to report
recent relationship problems.
Having the gene variant isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card, however. Your
culture, childhood, and other life experiences play a large role in
determining your behavior, Young says. "This gene changes the
probability of the type of relationship you'll have; it doesn't
determine it," he explains. "So you can't ever say you're genetically
pre-determined to cheat."
Keep the faith: To ward off any such probabilities in
your own relationship, increase your intimacy to boost bonding. "We know
that vasopressin is released during sex," says Young, "and it's
probably released in other intimate situations as well." Make sure your
vasopressin receptors are firing throughout the day by creating what
Neuman calls "touch points." Commit to making five small, intimate
gestures—a hug, kiss, e-mail, or text, for instance—throughout the day.
As she responds with five of her own, you'll ignite the vasopressin
bonding centers in your brain at least 10 times each day.
You're Not Risk-Averse Enough
For many men, cheating is simply another decision, one with its own set of costs and benefits. Infidelity has uncertain and individual outcomes—you don't know how guilty you'll feel afterward, whether or not she'll catch you, or exactly what you'll lose in a divorce—so economists Edinaldo Tebaldi, Ph.D., of Bryant University, and Bruce Elmslie, Ph.D., of the University of New Hampshire, have developed a model that identifies some of the factors influencing a person's decision to cheat.
For many men, cheating is simply another decision, one with its own set of costs and benefits. Infidelity has uncertain and individual outcomes—you don't know how guilty you'll feel afterward, whether or not she'll catch you, or exactly what you'll lose in a divorce—so economists Edinaldo Tebaldi, Ph.D., of Bryant University, and Bruce Elmslie, Ph.D., of the University of New Hampshire, have developed a model that identifies some of the factors influencing a person's decision to cheat.
Their study, published last year, reveals that men and women use
drastically different decision-making processes. What's she thinking? A
lot. Is he worth keeping, or is there someone out there that might be
worth the risk of leaving? Just how much (money, love, companionship,
security) will I lose if I get caught spending my lunch hour in a seedy
motel? It's about her relationship, her future, and the investment she
might lose if she's caught.
What are you thinking? Not much: Is there an opportunity, and will I get caught?
Keep the faith: Make an informed decision by figuring
out what you'd be losing now and in the future, Neuman says. Once you
realize the risks, start sticking around the house. More than half of
the men Neuman interviewed spent time away from home before they
cheated. "They started working later, scheduling more business travel,
or hanging out with friends," he says. While you're at home, do
something few men do when they find their eyes roving: Face your spouse
and admit to her that something's wrong. "Tell her, 'I'm looking around
and I shouldn't be,'" Neuman says. "Then figure out, with her, what can
you do to make the relationship better. Once you know what's wrong and
how you'll fix it, saving your marriage will replace thoughts of
You Don't Recognize Threats
When they're surrounded in social situations by what researchers call "attractive alternatives," men tend to let their guard down too much. In a McGill University study, men and women who were presented with a virtual-reality assessment reacted very differently when they were asked to evaluate a group of photographs that included an image of an attractive person of the opposite sex. Women avoided the photo, but men didn't. Asked to imagine an interaction with an attractive classmate of the opposite sex, women increased their thoughts of commitment and threat. Men (drum roll) didn't.
When they're surrounded in social situations by what researchers call "attractive alternatives," men tend to let their guard down too much. In a McGill University study, men and women who were presented with a virtual-reality assessment reacted very differently when they were asked to evaluate a group of photographs that included an image of an attractive person of the opposite sex. Women avoided the photo, but men didn't. Asked to imagine an interaction with an attractive classmate of the opposite sex, women increased their thoughts of commitment and threat. Men (drum roll) didn't.
The McGill researchers suspect that women strive to be protectors and
gatekeepers of their relationships, or that they view threats to their
relationships as personal. (Men, on the other hand, tend to be more
individualistic; they don't define themselves by their relationships as
much.) Either way, women use if-then contingencies—if he comes over
here, then I'll excuse myself to get a drink—that spark automatic
defense mechanisms when they see an attractive alternative moving in.
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